

━━ n. =etiology.



1com;mand pronunciation: function: verb etymology: middle english comanden, from anglo-french cumander, from vulgar latin *commandare, alteration of latin commendare to commit to one's charge — more at commenddate: 14th centurytransitive verb 1 : to direct authoritatively : order2 : to exercise a dominating influence over : have command of: as a : to have at one's immediate disposal lt;commands many resourcesgt; b : to demand or receive as one's due lt;commands a high feegt; c : to overlook or dominate from or as if from a strategic position lt;a hill that commands the citygt; d : to have military command of as senior officer lt;command a regimentgt; 3 obsolete : to order or request to be givenintransitive verb 1 : to have or exercise direct authority : govern2 : to give orders3 : to be commander4 : to dominate as if from an elevated place— com;mand;able adjective synonyms command, order, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, charge mean to issue orders. command and order imply authority and usually some degree of formality and impersonality. command stresses official exercise of authority lt;a general commanding troopsgt;. order may suggest peremptory or arbitrary exercise lt;ordered his employees about like slavesgt;. bid suggests giving orders peremptorily (as to children or servants) lt;she bade him be seatedgt;. enjoin implies giving an order or direction authoritatively and urgently and often with admonition or solicitude lt;a sign enjoining patrons to be quietgt;. direct and instruct both connote expectation of obedience and usually concern specific points of procedure or method, instruct sometimes implying greater explicitness or formality lt;directed her assistant to hold all callsgt; lt;the judge instructed the jury to ignore the remarkgt;. charge adds to enjoin an implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility lt;charged by the president with a secret missiongt;.


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